Learn about composable commerce directly from industry experts and get the information you need to take your business to the next level— whether you’re growing, scaling, or completely transforming your retail and commerce operations.
Get the knowledge you need to build stable, flexible, and scalable architectures with seamless integrations using technical best-practice insights from industry experts.
Enhance your commerce performance, meet increasing customer expectations, and reliably scale your business. Leaders from Netlify and Orium discuss strategies and essential elements needed to deliver an efficient and modern frontend experience. Unlock the knowledge you need to build a case for managed frontend delivery services and avoid the hassles of self-hosting.
Frontend performance is a critical factor in customer experience — improving page load speed by just 1 second can reduce bounce rate by 11.7% and lift conversion rate by 5.6%. In composable systems, data comes from a variety of sources. How you assemble your architecture directly impacts the performance of the frontend experience. Modern approaches like streaming from the edge can enable you to deliver faster responses, giving customers an experience that moves at the speed they want. In this masterclass you’ll learn from Vercel and Orium about how to structure your headless commerce experience to optimize for frontend performance.
Frontend experience can make or break the customer journey. For many brands the idea of modernizing frontend experience is a dream too large, as they imagine the years long project of extracting their digital operations from legacy all-in-one platforms where experience and commerce functionality are tightly combined. In this masterclass you’ll learn from experts at Contentful, Netlify and Orium about how to modernize using a headless approach, decoupling your frontend experience from legacy backend systems, as a first step toward a fully composable commerce platform.
Composable commerce maximizes your capabilities with a flexible, modular, fully-headless framework. This masterclass with Google Cloud, GroupBy, and Orium will teach you how to evaluate and plan your headless commerce tech stack. Create a seamlessly integrated, easily managed composable architecture that works for your brand’s needs. Leverage Orium’s Composable Commerce Reference Architecture and learn the dos and don’ts of building a scalable composable solution.